COIN LION - Rule The Digital Jungle - Crypto Info


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Monday 22 January 2018

COIN LION - Rule The Digital Jungle

In today's environment, managing digital asset can be difficult , even for the experienced. The CoinLion Platform empowers users when managing digital assets. There is a need for simple and powerful tools that eliminate barriers to entry for everyday users.

Presently, those trading digital assets are often using different methods, platform and wallets. Many have taught themselves through countless hours researching how to exchange and manage these new assets in a safe, secure and efficient manner. For the inexperienced, managing and trading cryptocurrencies can be frustrating, challenging, and time consuming.

Our team understands the difficulty and challengers in delaing with various wallets, applications, and exchanges. The existing methods can be difficult to used and confusing while providing little or no customers service.

CoinLion looks to deliver value to a future trillion dollar blockchain economy and connect millions or traders, giving them a platform to manage digital assets easly and efficiently.

A key features within the Coin Lion ecosystem is the ability to create portofolios of digital assets with the Portofolio Management Tool. Ysers can also choose to allow their portofolios to be shared and tracked by other traders on a time specific basis in exchange for LION. This allows traders to generate LION simply for sharing their portofolios and strategies with the community.

New users are faced with amny concerns when it comes to managing cryptocurrencies such as, security, legal, ease of use, and customer service. CoinLion understands these concerns and is addressing them. There exists a gap between what is currently in the marketplace and waht indviduals really want and need.

LION - The Token

CoinLion will introduce a token, LION, which will be used within the platform. LION will create an ecosystem that rewards and incentivizes users to share and create portofolios, startegies and research related to the management of digital assets.

LION is the token that interacts with the platform. LION an ERC20 compatible token. The symbol is simply LION.

CoinLion will offer a LION market where trading is free. This creates another use case for LION and will work to ensure the integrity of LION within the CoinLion Plarform. LION also has a myriad of uses and function within the CoinLion Platform:

Spend LION

  • Track and duplicate portofolios
  • Trade for free within the LION market
  • Discounted trading when holding LION
  • Create and manage multiple portofolios with the portofolio management tool
  • Acces to ICOs launched on the platform at a discounted rate
  • Advertise portofolios and promote your content o CoinLion and other platform


  • Allow users to track your created portofolios
  • Create and share content relating to the management of cryptocurrencies
  • Create and share research
  • Create and share startegies with other users
  • Allow advertising on your public profile
  • Earn LION for being a top performes or researcher
  • Create research for the CoinLion research and analytics library

LION Token Sale

CoinLion will create a total supply of 500 million LION. No additional LION will be created. 250 million LION will be available in the token sale. The token sale will include a Pre-Sale and a two phased token sale:
  • Minimum Goal to start: 15,000,000 LION
  • Currency accepted: ETH
  • Base LION Token exchange rate: 1 ETH = 2500 LION
  • Pre-Sale: 5 ETH Minimum
  • 25,000,000 LION hard cap
  • Bonus: 40%
  • Exchange Rate: 1 ETH = 3500 LION
Token Sale
  • Maximum: Unlimited
  • Minimum: 1 ETH

Phase 1

  • Start Date: 18th of December 2017
  • End Date 7th of January
  • Week 1: Bonus 20%
  • Exchange Rate: 1 ETH = 3000 LION
  • Week 2: Bonus 15%
  • Exchange Rate: 1 ETH = 2875 LION
  • Week 3: Bonus 10%
  • Exchange Rate: 1 ETH = 2750 LION

Phase 2

  • Start Date: 12th of February 2018
  • End Date: 25th of February 2018
  • Week 1: Bonus 5%
  • Exchange Rate: 1 ETH = 2625 LION
  • Week 2: Bonus 0%
  • Exchange Rate: 1 ETH = 2500 LION

LION Allocation




Created by: 15persenlucky
Profile link :;u=1210666
ETH address : 0x1997B312D6e9cB863f939f9a7cEa3A36Ec185E69

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