ESR WALLET - e-Wallet for Cryptocurrencies - Crypto Info


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Tuesday 9 January 2018

ESR WALLET - e-Wallet for Cryptocurrencies

The ESR Wallet project is already a working platform, offering a resident of any country for the world to create an electronic wallet in USD and EUR and issue a debit virtual or plastic VISA/Mastercard card to it.

This service ia actively in demond among the population for several reason:
  1. Unlike a settlement account, the cost of servicing of which depending on the country and the bank is on average $20 per month, the electronic wallet is served free of charge.
  2. There is an option to open a virtual card, which is much cheaper than a plastic card, for those who use a bank card exclusively for online purchase.
  3. Electronic wallet is opened to everyone, regardless of credit history.
In addition, for our users we introduce a service of microloans, which distinguishes us form other electronic wallets.

Since the launc of the project in june 2017, more than 3000 plastic registered card we issued, which indicates the relevance of our service.

The company ESR Wallet is registered in UAE - one of the few countries with a clear position of regulators regarding ICO and cryptocurrency.

The personalized multicurrency ESR Wallet card will be released for free and delivered to address of residence for each onvestor who bought more than 20 tokens within 60 days after the ICO.

The ESR Wallet team owns more than 300 ATMs located in the US. This network will be expanded to other countries. Withdrawal of cash through your own ATM network is free of charge for ESR Wallet cardholders.

What Product Do We Create ?

Given the increase in the number of blockchain projects, more and more people will eventually have to store part of their savings in different cryptocurrencies in order to make transaction within a particular network.

Developing the idea, we came to the conclusion that we can create a unique service by adding several options to the existing and beta-tested ESR Wallet:
  1. The ability to store on tour wallet, in addition to USD and EUR popular cryptocurrencies: BTC, BCH, ETH, ZEC, DASH, LTC.
  2. Tha ability to instanly convert currencies through an online bank or mobile application at a favorable rate.
  3. Creation of a partner network for introduction of the Cash back system.
  4. The ability to open deposits in any of the cryptocurrency.
  5. The ability apply for a loan in any cryptocurrency.
  6. The possibility of transfering the cryptocurrency into trust managment of a particular trader with a transparent history of transaction or to our system for portofolio investment.
This product, in addition to the listed options, will allow you to make instant money transfer between network participants around the world.

The open API of the product will allow you to integrate with other start-ups, adding more and more useful new options to our users.

The funcionality of ESR Wallet makes it useful not only for the holders of cryptocurrency, but for allother users who prefer to use exclusively fiat cuurency.

The Main Options of The ESR Wallet Card

  • The ability to spend your cryptocurrency using ESR Wallet's physical card wherever card are accepted for payment, both online and offline;
  • The ability to send money through the ESR Wallet application in 8 currencies to 120 countries worldwide without commission;
  • The ability to instantly send money between users of ESR Wallet.

Supprot for Other Currencies ERC20

Other widespread cryptocurrencies will be added to the platform overtime, once they become widespread in the world and as users need them.

User Base ESR Wallet

To start ESR Wallet, strategic partners are ready to provide their own client base as satrt-ups. Among these partners, in particular, are the world's largest microfinance organization interested in developing the direction of lending in cryptocurrencies.

We expext to reach more than 700,000 active users and access to which will be possible without serious advertising costs since the launch of the project. This will provide us with serious support at the start and will give impetus for more rapid market coverage.

About ICO 

ESR Wallet Fund is raising funds for the technical re-engineering of the ESR Wallet Payment and Credit Service and a marketing campaign to promote it. To tjis ned, the fund issued token ESR Token (ESR), which are smart contracts based on Ethereum.

Given the great interest in the project form investor, our team deceided to pre-sell 2,000,000 tokens with a 50% discount. The sale date for these token is set for september 25,2017 and will last for 7 days. Countdown to the start of sales is set on the site

The ESR token is ESR Wallet's shared smart contract. The holder of the token is entitled to a share in th profit of the ESR Wallet Payments Service. The share of 30% of profits is distributed to all issued tokens. The token is released together with the token contract an is written in the solidity programming language.

The ESR Wallet Foundation is a UAE-regulated company subject to the laws and an audit. This guarantees transparacy of its actions and safe storages of funds.

The ESR Wallet Payments Provider is:

  • The licensed issuer of electronic money, regulated by the Gibraltar Financial Services Comission. License No: FSC0056NK.
  • Official member of Mastercard/Visa.
  • It has PCI DSS LEVEL 1 certification and was under audit SSAE16 SOC TYPE I.

Token Distribution 



Created by : 15persenlucky
Profile link :;u=1210666
ETH address : 0x1997B312D6e9cB863f939f9a7cEa3A36Ec185E69

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