Emodot (EMO) - Decentralized Cryptocurrency Based Swap Exchange and Staking - Crypto Info


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Monday, 21 December 2020

Emodot (EMO) - Decentralized Cryptocurrency Based Swap Exchange and Staking



Decentralized Finance or DeFi is the ecosystem of financial applications being built with blockchain technology.  The term DeFi, short for decentralized finance, was born in an august 2018 Telegram chat between Ethereum developers and entrepreneurs including Inje Yeo of Set Protocol, Blake Henderson of 0x, and Brendan Forster of Dharma. They were discussing what to call the movement of open financial applications being built on Ethereum/Other options considered were Open Horizon, Lattice Network, and Open Financial Protocol. Henderson said DeFi worked well, as it "comes out as DEFY."

Most DeFi applications don’t meet all of the characteristics listed above. Ironically, considering the name DeFi, the decentralized aspect is the hardest to meet. Completely relinquishing control of an application makes it harder for developers to quickly react if there’s a problem since they can’t unilaterally make changes to it without going through community consensus. This is hard for applications which are still at very early stages of development, so teams will often maintain some degree of control over their protocols. 


Decentralization is a spectrum, and while not all DeFi apps are at the most decentralized end, they are working to get there with teams gradually relinquishing control over their protocols. 


Rather than decentralization, the main characteristic which most DeFi protocols meet and has come to define the ecosystem is that these applications are open for anyone to access. All users need is an internet connection and a blockchain address. That’s why the term “Open Finance” is often used instead of DeFi. 


A blockchain is a technology on which cryptocurrency is based. A blockchain is basically on a continuously growing list of records called blocks that are linked and secured using cryptography.


A cryptocurrency is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange that uses cryptography to secure its transactions, to control the creation of additional units, and to verify the transfer of assets.

Emodot (EMO)

Emodot is a Decentralized cryptocurrency-based Swap exchange. It is suitable for any blockchain smart contract support, that is fast, convenient, and secure.

We are the only global mining operation 

Our mobility concepts enable super-simple transportation and worldwide deployment

Fully scalable
Mobile and efficient low-cost hardware and optimized proprietary management

High Growth
Our reinvestments strategy enables us to quickly grow our fleet of mobile units

Creating a win-win for everyone
An exciting business opportunity should come with equally exciting rewards.

Early adopters can earn up to a 100% profit based on the final token value should we reach our EMO tokens hardcap during our planned token sale event.

More than just a price jump
The EMO token sale events are unique as they offer tiered bonuses which include not only an increasing token price but also lifetime discounts, a commitment from us to support our tokens liquidity and future value, as well as access to future public sales, Token sale, IEO events.

It begins with total security
View, manage, and sort all your tokens easily, Providing fast coin management in your local currency.
  • Smart by Design
  • Easy Coin Management
  • Instantly Connect your Wallet
  • Detailed Transaction Info
  • Custom Fees and Limits

Smart Contract


January 2020: Start Development
March 2020: Team Building
May 2020: Fund Collect from Investment team
October 2020: Marketing Plan, Social Media, Website
December 2020: Token Sale, Whitepaper, Bounty/Airdrops
February 2021: IEO on BKEX & Hotbit
March - April 2021: EMO Token List on Uniswp, Bkex, Hotbit, Kucoin
May 2021: Staking, Emodot Swap Exchange Launch with High Design & Facilities
June 2021: Ready Swap Exchange for ERC-20, TRC-20, BEP2 Blockchain Contract
August 2021: Android & desktop Application Development & Launch
December 2021: Add more Blockchain Contract

More Information

Author: 15persenlucky
Bitcointalk URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1210666

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