A cognitive and collaborative collective between Artificial Intelligence, Robots, Humans, Sensor Network and distributed hardware built on the Ethereum smart contract. Magnus start a new era of business, technology, and thingking. The Magnus Era brings with it a fundamental change in how intelligent system are built and interact with each other. Magnus's end goal is to make people smarter, machines beter, Robots cheaper and faster, and AI better by ensuring a collaboration with other agents in the Magnus Collective network.
In addition Magnus will have its own independent agents bots called "Sentry Bots" which will ensure that rogue agents are out of the Magnus network. Sentry Bots will use a whitelist and blacklist to maintain reputation and efficiency in the Magnus network.
Magnus will be able to negotiate and transact with other blockchain or non-blockchain based network that will come in the future using gateways called Portals. Portals will ensure that even if Magnus does not obtain leaderships in teams of the network - Magnus will never become obsolete or outdates. Portals will translate the negotiation and request between different network that are being created.
The collective has four long term goals.
- The first goal is to create a highly usefull hub of Robotics, AI, IOT, Humans and cloud systems.
- The second goal is to accelerate the development and use of Robotics, leading to services economy where individuals services using the Magnus Token.
- The tihird goal is to create and bridge an open exchange between different entities that are developing at a raoid pace in the last decade in Blockchain, AI, Robotics and cloud computing. Currently most of the new players are operating in silor or islands - Ands Magnus is attempting to change this.
- The fourth is to create a network effect of good will and innocation within the collective which will lead to accelerated technological progress and economic development.
Magnus's economic logic is optimized for achieving those goals. To become the collective Magnus needs both a framwork and an open market for buying and selling services.
The 0xFari framework lets Actros work together, it makes them interopable. The role of all markets is to facilitate efficient transactions and minimals costs - and with the least number of obstacle. The 0xFari implemented through a series of Smart Contract enables the Magnus Collective of Robotics, AI, IOT, Humans and Cloud Storage.
Magnus Collective is a decentralized, open network. One of the core founding principles of Magnus is that - it welcomes any entity on the collective irrespective of location or size of the Actors entities. Anyone will be able to use or provide collective services on the network. It is a free-to-use, and permission-less-market. So this in effect will enhance and increase the acceleration of adoption in the Robotics innovation - including opening up new entrants from the intenational community irrespective of location or other constraints.
It is a free-to-use, and [ermission less market. So this in effect will enhance and increase the acceleration of adoprion in the Robotics innovation - including opening up new entrants from the international community irerespective of location or other contraints.
The Magnus token is a utility token, with a core purpose of being used to buy, sell and trade Robotics, IA, IOT and other transaction carried out by the different Actors wrapped in 0xFari framework.
This Token can be aquired during the token generation event, to participants in the developing economy. The release of MGS and MGSN token after the initial token issuance event will ocur via a schedule to be described below, which can be modulated via democratic governance.
To maximize success, the Magnus Collective economic logic must enable buying and selling of all services, while making the discovery process as useful as possible - And ensure that all actors have easy and fricyionless access to the collective.
So the economic logic tuned for the following objectives:
- Open, global, and permission-less access to the various actors.
- Services verification and discovery
- Good will generation
- Innovation in Robotics.
- Bridging and going across different networks and blockchain
The Magnus token is designed to achieve these objectives. It guarantees free and non-discriminatory access from the start, and concentrates value created by the collective. It has mechanism in place for infalnitiory incentives.
For verifying services, is backed 2 years lease of popular and industry and industry recognised Robotics platform and for rewarding good intet on the network.
The Magnus token was brought to life after careful thinking and long deliberation on the benefits. We have thought through hard coding economic logic versus designing an economic logic that drives rapid growth. If we cannot find a token that satisfies all the unique requirements of the token - the collective may collapse - and fail to achieve the started objectives.
The conlusion of our cerful analysis was that only a native token lestd the Magnus Collective optimize for the desired objectives.
To create a market that makes transaction easy, guaratees world wide access, and promotes growth we require a native token tuned for Robotics, AI and IOT market. And we have decided to back our token with a lease of the Robotics platform - Especially the Ingen Table Top Robot platform.
Token Amount : The maximum token amount is 118.2 million MGSs. Token are minted during the crowd sale and the total supply is fixed at the end of the crowd sale so that the maximum token amount might not be reached, the crowd sale allows a specific number of atoms to be created due to arithmtics imprecisions.
The price of one Magnus coin is $0.66
- Pre-ICO : 60%
- Main ICO 0 : 40%
- Main ICO 1 : 30%
- Main ICO 2 : 20%
- Main ICO 3 : 10%
- Main ICO 4 : 5%
Please watch our websites for the pre-ICO open dates and the Main ICO dates.
Created by : 15persenlucky
Profile link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1210666
ETH address : 0x1997B312D6e9cB863f939f9a7cEa3A36Ec185E69
ETH address : 0x1997B312D6e9cB863f939f9a7cEa3A36Ec185E69
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